Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spending Time

As the mother of four children, today was not the first day that I wondered how I will find the time to give each one individual attention.  Shannon was the first and got almost two and half years of my time without much interruption.  Quinn had two and half years before Sully came along but I feel she missed out on some quality time while I went through the two miscarriages and then both a mentally and physically tiring pregnancy with Sully.  And Sully, poor Sully.  He was only about nine months old when I found out that I was pregnant again and although my pregnancy with Maren wasn't as mentally exhausting as that with Sully, it was more physically exhausting than I could have ever imagined.  And so, sometimes, I look at Sully and feel as though I missed out on his babyhood.  Like I didn't hold him enough or cuddle with him enough or just spend enough one on one time with him.  Feeling that way I've been making more of a concerted effort to carve out some just Maren and me time, Sully and me time, Quinny and me time and Shannon and me time, but admittedly, it's hard when so much is competing for time.

Tonight, Sully and I headed upstairs before everyone else and had some "big bed" time, just the two of us.  Up until just a few weeks ago, time playing in the big bed was just for Shannon and Quinn.  Sully's bedtime is an hour earlier than theirs and they sometimes goof off so much that I was afraid Sully was too small to participate.  I didn't want him getting hurt or falling off the bed.  Well, the other night he realized what he's been missing out on and now each night he begs for someone to lift him up and let him join in the fun.  Imagine his delight when tonight he had the bed all to himself.

His favorite thing to do is to throw himself down onto the pillows.  Ahhhh, toddler heaven.

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