Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pins and Needles

I've decided to return to having acupuncture treatments in the hopes, slim as they may be, of having my cycles return to something resembling normal. I can remember that after I had SB my body seemed very out of whack and although my cycles returned within about 8 weeks of having him, they were shorter than prior to having him. Now after having QT things seem more out of whack then ever. The treatment today was very relaxing and it was very nice and fun to see my acupuncturist again and catch up with her. It's always fun when I get to brag about how great QT and SB are.

Today was a very good eating day. I had Lean Pockets for breakfast that had eggs, ham and cheese along with, of course, coffee. For lunch I had the new sandwich thins topped with cottage cheese, basil and tomato. Later I had some fruit snacks, a clementine and some ak-mak crackers with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese. For dinner I had a pita stuffed with turkey breast and broccoli slaw. Technically, I am supposed to be really limiting my intake of broccoli due to it's high vitamin K content which can contribute to blood clotting but I was in a reckless mood. Oh, and I finally got a good Coumadin level this week so I figured maybe I have some wiggle room.

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