Friday, May 30, 2008

Let the obsessing begin!

My baseline ultrasound and blood work this morning went well. At least I think it did. During the ultrasound the tech did a lot of pushing on my stomach in an attempt to view my left ovary. Apparently, it is quite shy and doesn't like to be on camera. Later I overheard the tech and the nurse talking about how it's favored position of sitting atop my uterus may make egg retrieval difficult. When I questioned the nurse she down played the difficulty and said never fear, that a nurse would be able to "really press" on my abdomen during the retrieval thus moving the ovary into a better positions and that I wouldn't feel a thing thanks to some very powerful drugs. I then queried the nurse as to what my antral follicle count was. She said that at this point it didn't really matter. Oh, but it does to me because what good is it to obsess about big things when there are minute details that I could obsess over? I was taken aback when she looked and told me 16 on the right and 4 on the left. What???? 20 antral follicles? That's double what it was last time and puts me well into the normal range. As I was driving home it occurred to me that she probably meant to say 6 and not 16.

A very nice nurse called later and gave me the dosages for the multitude of drugs I will be injecting myself with. Here is the plan:

Sunday - begin 20 units of Lupron every morning and every evening along with one baby aspirin per day
Tuesday - continue Lupron and baby aspirin but add in 25 units of Luveris every morning and every evening and lastly, do a megadose of Gonal-f (600 units) in the morning
Wednesday until told otherwise - continue Lupron, baby aspirin and Luveris but change to doing 300 units Gonal-f every morning and night.
Thursday - ultrasound scheduled in the morning, lots of follies to be seen I'm sure

Count with me here: two injections x three drugs = six injections every day

Turns out that the $5,000 plus of drugs I've already gotten won't last nearly long enough given the mega-doses I'll be taking sooooo more drugs have been ordered and more money has been spent. In a bit of speciality pharmacy/insurance humor when I called to check on the order they informed me that they wouldn't be able to fill the new prescription until after June 19th. Don't they know that my perfect embryos will be nicely implanted in me come June 19th? For a speciality pharmacy they don't seem too quick on the uptake. Once I explained that these weren't re-fills of the drugs but instead a dosage increase they kindly agreed to ship them out to me asap, which really means that I will get them Tuesday.


shawna said...

I am sure that will be the RIGHT cocktail for a BFP! I thought that I felt like crap with 20iu Lupron a day. I definitely feel for you, but it will be all worth it in the end. I have plenty of hope for other people.

Stephanie C said...

Hey ...somebody does read your blog :)

Sounds like things are getting off just right! Those meds should be able to make some good follies :)

Good luck!!

Stephanie C said...

Hey ...somebody does read your blog :)

Sounds like things are getting off just right! Those meds should be able to make some good follies :)

Good luck!!